Tag: Pop Up

Mobile Tour Furniture

The exciting journey of LIEBLINGSBRAND!

You want to see how an online store sell offline?
LIEBLINGSBRAND is going on tour with this furniture.

It´s an online store for local designers and for special events they travel through Austria.

All parts fit on a euro-pallet.
With 11 frames they can sell products on 16m length.


Design: Lukas Bast, 2016


“NEUBAU No2” is re-opening from  September till December 2015. neubau.me

Bei diesem Concept-Store handelt es sich um einen Ausstellungsraum, der Produkte der heimischen Microfabriken, Kollaborationen und des neuen Handwerks präsentiert. Verkauft werden Produkte, die von Designern selbst entwickelt und entweder alleine oder in gemeinschaftlicher Kleinserienproduktion hergestellt wurden. Ziel des Shops ist es, Designer und Produkte der dritten industriellen Revolution und der Shared Economy zu präsentieren und ihnen den gebührenden Raum zu geben.

Realisation: Microgiants, Gerin Trautenberger & Su Noya
Graphic Design: Cristina Bianci
Interior Design: Lukas Bast



Pop-Up FabLab Workspace

The PopUp Fab Lab is a temporary workspace for the Happylab.

This mobile workspace can easily be transported as a closed box. Everything you need is packed in the box.
Depending on the event the wooden frames can be arranged individually and filled with graphics or an TV.
The whole Fab Lab is bulid up with wooden clamps including the “landmark” for a better visibility at events.

Finally, one Lab box will provide up to five working desks.
Happy making, dear Makers!


Material: Solid Wood & MDF
Client: Happylab Vienna
Design: Lukas Bast, 2015


NEUBAU Pop-Up-Store

We love the machine but hate the factory!
The Design Store for products of the third industrial revolution.

From now on a product can be designed on a computer and “printed” on a 3D printer.
So we started to print… and print… and print…. till we had enough structure connections for the whole interior.

The result you can see in Vienna at the Pop-Up-Store “NEUBAU” from  October till December 2013.

Realisation: Microgiants, Gerin Trautenberger, Bernhard Tobola & Joanna Kowolik
Graphic Design & Facade: Emanuel Jesse & Cristina Bianci
Interior Design: Franz Piffl & Lukas Bast, 2013